Received a Directions to Fix Notice?

Once your new build or extension has the frame (timber & steel) erected, the builder will notify the main Registered Building Inspector or Surveyor to attend site and perform the Frame Inspection. A fresh set of eyes is critical for quality control. This mandatory inspection enables an independent qualified person to check the physical works at site, cross referencing this with to the stamped engineering plans, AS1684, and the NCC.

It is very rare that the frame inspection will be passed without requiring additional works. This may include a whole range of items from minor things such as nailing off brace board and fixing Pryda plates, to major structural load bearing issues. When this happens, the inspector or surveyor will issue what is known as a Directions to Fix Notice (DTF).

The builder will then be required to rectify the list of defects ready for a re-inspection.

In short, don’t be alarmed if you receive a DTF Notice, they are typical practice in the construction industry.


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