5 Good Reasons why engaging a private building inspector is money well spent!

1.      Better Build Quality: Whilst the Registered Building Surveyor plays an important role in ensuring structural building compliance & occupant safety, there are hundreds of building items regarding quality and finishes that are not independently checked. Don’t simply rely on your builder or supervisor!

 2.      Independent Quality Control: Identifying defects by an independent building expert provides a ‘live’ quality control system to the build process, keeps the builder honest, and results in a far superior final product.

 3.      Document the Construction: Having a soft or hard copy of your build is just as important as all the other documentation that goes with constructing a house. It can also add credibility and buyer confidence if you decide to sell.

 4.      Peace of Mind: Building a house or your dream family home can be both stressful and very expensive. Knowing that you have someone checking and reporting on your build adds comfort when paying the progress payments to the builder.

 5.      Avoid Costly Construction  Disputes: It’s hard to believe, but there are over 10,000 current building construction disputes in Victoria. Defects not highlighted during the build can be costly to rectify or lead to future damage such as water ingress. With pro-active action, the majority of building disputes can be avoided.


My Take on Construction Mistakes


Half of new drain installations defective